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What are the signs of physical elder abuse?

What are the signs of physical elder abuse?

Blog Introduction: Elder abuse is a significant problem in the United States, affecting millions of older Americans every year. One of the most common and often overlooked forms of elder abuse is physical abuse. Physical elder abuse is defined as the use of physical force that may result in bodily harm, injury, or impairment. It can be challenging to spot the signs of physical abuse, especially if the victim has cognitive impairment or is unable to communicate effectively. As the best elder abuse law firm in Las Vegas, J. Cogburn Law provides you with the essential information that can help you identify physical elder abuse and take legal action to stop it. So, what are the signs of physical elder abuse?

What are the signs of physical elder abuse?

Signs of Physical Elder Abuse

Unexplained Injuries

Physical abuse can cause visible injuries, such as bruises, cuts, burns, or welts. The injuries may appear in clusters or regularly in the same areas of the body. These injuries may not have a clear explanation, or the explanation may sound implausible or suspicious.

Changes in Behavior

Victims of physical abuse may also experience changes in their behavior. They may become anxious, fearful, depressed, or socially withdrawn. They may also exhibit signs of trauma, such as insomnia, nightmares, or flashbacks of the abuse. If the victim has dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, signs of physical abuse may include increased agitation, confusion, or disorientation.

Neglect of Hygiene

Physical abuse can result in the neglect of the victim’s hygiene and personal care. The abuser may prevent the victim from bathing, grooming, or changing clothes, leading to foul odors, skin infections, or other health issues.

Unexplained Financial Transactions

Physical elder abuse may also involve financial exploitation. The abuser may use the victim’s money, property, or assets for their benefit, without the victim’s knowledge or consent. These transactions may be unexplained or suspicious, such as sudden changes in the victim’s will or power of attorney.

Nevada Laws on Physical Elder Abuse

Under Nevada law, physical abuse of an elder or vulnerable adult is considered a category A felony. A person convicted of physical elder abuse may face life imprisonment or the death penalty, depending on the circumstances of the crime. According to NRS 200.5092, an elder or vulnerable adult is anyone aged 60 years or above or individuals who have a physical or mental impairment that affects activities of daily living.

If you suspect physical elder abuse, you must report it to the appropriate authorities, such as Adult Protective Services or the local police. You may also seek legal advice from an experienced elder abuse attorney, who can help you evaluate your legal options and hold the abuser accountable.

What are the signs of physical elder abuse?

Physical elder abuse is a heinous crime that can cause severe physical and emotional harm to older adults. As a community, we must recognize the signs of abuse and take steps to prevent it. J. Cogburn Law understands the complexities of elder abuse cases and is committed to tirelessly advocating for the rights of our clients. If you or someone you know is experiencing physical elder abuse in Nevada, please contact us today. Together, we can ensure justice for the most vulnerable members of our society.