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How to report elder abuse in Las Vegas?

How to report elder abuse in Las Vegas?

At J. Cogburn Law, we understand how difficult it can be to witness or suspect elder abuse. Whether it’s physical, emotional, or financial, the abuse of elderly persons is a serious issue that requires immediate attention. If you are in Las Vegas and suspect that someone you know is being abused, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to report elder abuse. So, how to report elder abuse in Las Vegas?

How to report elder abuse in Las Vegas?

What is elder abuse?

Elder abuse is any intentional or negligent act that causes harm or serious risk of harm to an older individual. Elder abuse can take various forms, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, financial exploitation, and neglect. Common signs of elder abuse include unexplained injuries, sudden changes in mood or behavior, withdrawal from friends and family, financial irregularities, and poor living conditions.

Who to report elder abuse to?

If you suspect elder abuse, you should immediately report it to the authorities. Nevada law requires any person who has reasonable cause to believe that abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an older person has occurred or may occur to report it to the appropriate agency. You can report elder abuse to the following agencies in Las Vegas:

  • Adult Protective Services (APS): APS is responsible for investigating alleged abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable adults in Nevada. You can call APS at (702) 486-6930 or toll-free at (888) 729-0571 to report elder abuse.
  • Law enforcement: You can contact the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department at (702) 828-3111 to report elder abuse. If the situation is an emergency, you should call 911.
  • Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program: The Ombudsman Program investigates and resolves complaints made by or on behalf of residents of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities. You can contact the Ombudsman Program at (702) 486-6515 to report elder abuse.

What information should you provide when reporting elder abuse?

When reporting elder abuse, it’s important to provide as much information as possible to the reporting agency. The following information may be helpful:

  • Name, address, and phone number of the victim
  • Name, address, and phone number of the alleged abuser
  • Nature and extent of the abuse
  • Date and time of the incident
  • Any other relevant information, such as medical history, financial information, and previous incidents of abuse

What are the penalties for elder abuse in Las Vegas?

Elder abuse is a serious offense in Las Vegas and can result in significant penalties for the abuser. According to Nevada law, elder abuse is a category “A” felony, which carries a penalty of up to life in prison and/or a fine of up to $10,000. In addition to criminal penalties, victims of elder abuse can also pursue civil remedies, such as filing a lawsuit against the abuser to recover damages for the harm caused.

How to report elder abuse in Las Vegas?

At J. Cogburn Law, we are dedicated to protecting the rights of elderly persons and holding abusers accountable for their actions. If you suspect that someone you know is being abused, don’t hesitate to report it to the appropriate agency. Your actions can help protect the safety and well-being of vulnerable adults in our community. However, if you would like an elder abuse attorney to look after all this while also getting compensation so you can remove the victim from the place of trauma, call our office immediately. We’re happy to speak with you and offer sound advice.